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Innovative Plumbing & Heating Products from Walmar Mechanical Sales Ltd
As your leading heating and plumbing manufacturers’ representatives in eastern Ontario and western Quebec, Walmar Mechanical Sales Ltd has access to a vast range of plumbing products featuring manufacturers such as Watts®, Sloan®, Armstrong and many other top brands. We invite you to view our comprehensive product list that includes the supplier we use for each item. For your convenience, we’ve included links to all manufacturers listed on this page.
Please contact us with any questions regarding the quality products we sell.
Access covers, Watts® drainage
Access doors, Acudor
Acid dilution / neutralizing tanks, Watts
Acrylic bath, Oceania
Air jets bath, Oceania
Air regulators, filters & lubricators, Wilkerson®
Air separators, Armstrong
Air scoops, Watts
Air dryers, Wilkerson
Air vents / admittance valves, Watts/ Oatey®
Arrow tape
Automatic control valves, Watts
Automatic washing machine shutoff, Watts
CBV valves, Armstrong
Care ware / healthcare, Acorn®
Cements / Cleaners, Oatey
Chemical drainage piping, Watts
Check valves, Watts
China fixtures, Sloan®
Circulators, Armstrong
Commercial brass faucets, Chicago Faucets®
Commercial hydrants, Prier
Commercial hose bibbs, Prier
- Dielectric unions, Watts
- Double check valves, Watts
- Drainage products, Watts Drainage
- Drinking fountains, Murdock
- Dual check assemblies, Watts
- Electronic faucets & flushvalves, Sloan Valve
- Emergency eyewash & shower equipment, Guardian Equipment
- Emergency equipment mixing valves, Powers™
- Expansion tanks, Armstrong / Watts
Manual faucets, Pfister, Chicago Faucets®
Fixture carriers, Watts Drainage
Flexible gas tubing, Dormont®
Flexible connectors – gas, Dormont®
Flexible supplies, Watts
Floor drains, cleanouts, Watts Drainage
Floor sinks, Watts Drainage
Floor doors, Acudor
Flow switches, Watts
Flushvalves, Sloan Valve
Gas connectors, Dormont®
Gas valve boxes, Acudor
Gate valves, Watts
Gauges, Weiss Instruments
Grease Interceptors, Watts & Schier
Hammer arrestors, Watts Drainage
Heating valves, Watts
Heat exchangers, Armstrong
Hospital fixtures, Acorn Engineering
Hydronic & steam heating, Watts
Ice maker boxes, Oatey
Instantaneous water heaters, Eemax™
Isolation pump flanges, Watts
J hooks / J hangers, Oatey
Janitors mop sinks, Stern Williams
Knee action valves, Chicago Faucets
Lavatory carriers, Watts Drainage
Lavatory systems, Acorn Engineering
Low water cutoffs, Watts
Lubricators, Wilkerson
Mechanical plugs, Cherne®
Mixing valves, Powers
Mixing stations, Powers
Mop sinks, Stern Williams
Modular trench drains, Poly Drain®
- Natural gas connectors, Dormont
- Needle valves, Weiss Instruments
Neutralization tanks, Watts
- Open mesh cloth, Oatey
- Oil Interceptors, Watts
Paste flux, Oatey
Pipe identification, Vision Marker
Plastic floats, Watts
Plate heat exchangers, Armstrong
Polyethylene Polypropylene grease interceptors Schier
Portable eye washes, Guardian Equipment
Pot kettle & glass fillers, T&S Brass
Precast polymer trench drain, Poly Drain®
Pressure balanced valves, Powers
Pressure gauges, Weiss Instruments
Pressure reducing valves, Watts
Pressure relief valves, Watts
Prison fixtures, Acorn Engineering
Pumps, Armstrong
Radiant in-floor heating, Watts Radiant
Reducing valves, Watts
Relief valves, Watts
Regulators, Watts
Roof drains, Watts Drainage
Roof flashings, Oatey
Residential hydrants, Prier
Residential hose bibbs, Prier
- Sand cloth, Oatey
- Security fixtures, Acorn Engineering
- Shower drains, Oatey
- Shower floors, Stern Williams, Oceania, FIAT®
- Shower heads / valves, Pfister, Chicago Faucets®, Powers
- Silent check valves, Watts
- Silicone sealant, Oatey
- Solder, Oatey
- Solvent cements, Oatey
- Solar powered faucets & flushvalves, Sloan Valve
- Snubbers, Weiss Instruments
- Steam regulators, Watts
- Steam traps, Watts
- Strainers, Watts​
Tankless water heater, Eemax
T & P relief valves, Watts
Tempering valves, Watts
Test balls, Cherne®
Thermometers, Weiss Instruments
Thermostatic mixing valves, Powers
Trench drains, Poly Drain
Tub protectors, Oatey
Under sink protective covers, Truebro®
Urinals – Waterless, Sloan Valve
Urinal wax rings, Oatey
Utility drains, Watts Drainage
Vacuum breakers, Watts
Valve tags, Vision Marker
Vertical in-line pumps, Armstrong
Vertical turbine pumps, Armstrong
- Wall hydrants, Watts Drainage
- Wash fountains, Acorn Engineering
- Washing machine boxes, Oatey
- Water coolers, Murdock
- Water heater pans, Oatey
- Water heater stands, Watts
- Wax bowl rings, Oatey
- Water quality products, Watts